If you want to impress Thanksgiving holiday guests, start with your landscape design, because your landscape is the first thing your guests see when they get into your Minneapolis home in Minnesota for Thanksgiving dinner.

In this blog, we focus on landscaping ideas for Thanksgiving. The landscaping ideas for Thanksgiving in Minneapolis or Minnesota include:
- Consider how the Thanksgiving colors such as Oranges, reds, browns, and yellows will compliment your home landscape design.
- Add Fall flowers such as marigolds, pansies, primroses, and other flowers to add texture to your landscape.
- Add Thanksgiving Garden Art such as pumpkins, gourds, and other festive objects instead.
- Add a wreath, cornstalks, and other seasonal decorations to Your Front Entryway

If you want a professional landscape design, Natural Environments Corporation (NEC), one of the largest landscaping companies in Minneapolis can help. NEC landscape design team is composed of landscape architects and landscape designers. To learn more about our landscaping services, go to out contact us page.